I have gotten therefore many complements on how cute this
"buggy" is. The bike trailer is complete for my children (4 and 2) to
ride in and they enjoy it as well. though they must sit relatively close altogether
it doesn't seem to bother them once we start riding. I did ALOT of research on
ALOT of different trailers and I decided on this one since it looked more
sturdy, has 20 in. wheels (for more ground clearance and smoother ride), has
somewhat padded seats, and the seat is more substantial than some of the others
in the same price range looked. It is too extremely convenient switch it to a
different bike since of the vice- like connector (verses the pin connector
where there is a piece which must remain attached to the bike although after
the trailer has been removed). For the price I paid ($99.00- on sale, 50% off)
I am extremely satisfied with what I got. I saw extremely little difference
between this one and the ones which were extremely expensive.